Visionary and Pioneer. A woman after God's own heart, with a passion for hurting, dysfunctional men, women and children. In 1992, Apostle Franklin founded Inner City Community Development Enterprises, which was later named Royal Ambassadors for Christ, later named Agape Global Outreach Ministries, which is now under the direction of the Holy Spirit, in 2007, Keep Walking By Faith International Prayer Ministries was birthed. After heeding the call to help hurting people, God has taken the ministry to new levels and greater dimensions. Apostle Franklin's goal is to reconcile the people to the Holy God of Israel. In all of her endeavors she has succeeded in bringing numerous individuals to a place of restoration and healing. KWF International Prayer Ministries is a 501(c ) 3 entity, providing resources, education, health resources, and more. Her desire to see others empowered and equipped to possess the land that God has prepared for them.
She is a Brigadier General in spiritual warfare, always strategizing and attacking the enemy causing a pandemonium (uproar) in the heavenlies. Breaking down every barrier and stronghold in the lives of God's people, setting the captives free and opening blinded eyes, that they might see what tactics the enemy is using in their lives, to keep them defeated, healing the sick everywhere. She is a strong beleiver in the word of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 12:1-2 is one of the many scripture she has lived by: presenting your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord. Renewing your mind daily. Putiting those things of old behind you that you may press on toward the mark of a higher calling in God in all that you do.
Apostle Franklin is available for speaking engagements, crusades, revivals, workshops, conferences, etc. Her goal is to break and destroy the weights that so easily beset us.
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